Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 1 - A deep oil massage and the results.

My hair was very very dry.
The ends were horrible.
Decided to go in for a hair wash with a deep oil massage.

1. A Homemade oil (Will provide the recipe for this soon) - 1 cup

2. Dipped my finger tips in the oil, and massaged the oil into my scalp. I didnt heat the oil. I have heard that heating the oil and massaging may sometimes damage the roots. I have used warm oil previously and got good results, though.
Using finger tips didnt pose a problem as i dont have long nails. If you have long nails, use a cotton ball, and request someone else to massage the oil into your scalp.
Make sure to massage in really small circular motion. This makes sure to remove that dirt from your scalp and also would give you a drowsy relaxed feel, you would know what i am talking about if you have ever got a head massage done proffessionaly.

3. Next, I ran a wide toothed comb down till the neck portion of my hair. This enabled the excess oil from the scalp to be transferred to my hair length. Do this gently, else you would end up pulling a lot of hair. Also, if there are way too may knots in your hair, just run your fingers through from scalp in a combing motion. This would ensure minimizing the breakage.

4. I just put the hair into a bun and sat down for an hour. Things to do during this time would be , wash the clothes, clean the house, surf the tv channels, or surf the net.. :)

5. Time to shower: I took a bowl , mixed 4 spoons of conditioner with 8 spoons of water. This would turn into a very cloudy liquid. I mixed this well, till it turned into a somewhat runny conditioner texture. Applied this mixture to hair along the lengths. Soaked in the mixture for 10 mins.

6. Took 3 heapfull of shikakai powder, added water till it became a very very runny liquid. I used this like a shampoo to wash out my conditioner.

7. Used loads and loads of water to wash out the conditioner cum shikakai.

8. Air dried the hair. As the ends started drying, I combed through the ends alone with a very very wide toothed comb. Not even a single strand of hair broke during this combing.

9. When the hair dried out completely , i put it in a plait.

10. Applied a little coconut oil mixed with some herb (details coming soon), to the ends of my hair before sleeping. Combed and put into an english (3 strand) plait which ended till the ends of my hair.

After the above process yesterday, this morning my hair turned out to be exxxtremeely soft and manageable. Another thing i am happy about? - Not even a SINGLE STRAND came out of my head when i combed it this morning!! :) :) :)

 Of course, I need to take care of the split ends. Wondering what to do about it.. :)
Leave your views and comments. :)


  1. wow! great tips, can you do one for preventing grey hair and also how to turn grey hair to black.some people say it's entirely possible with some good home made oils but i dont' have a recipe for it.

  2. earthwalker,
    I have a recipe for the oil which would boost the hair growth and have personally seen my grandpa to 'sprout' hair all over his scalp after using it.. :)
    I have a recipe for a mask that would change the hair to reddish brown, a henna mask. Its very difficult and a very long process to change the hair from grey to black, no matter what ads/others claim.
    Perhaps you can start taking steps to 'protect' the hair that is already black? Thats what i am doing right now .. :) Hope this helps.

  3. thanks, Gayathri .do post the recipe some time for both. will be so interested to try it out.

  4. hey gayathri! Nice blog:)

    loved your 100 day challenge idea!!
